High-Alumina bricks

High-Alumina bricks - TRIAL

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High-alumina bricks are produced on the base of the top quality calcinated fireclay, andalusite, bauxite, aluminium oxide, fused corundum, refractory clays and kaolins.

Two different technological processes – dry and semi-dry pressing are applied for the manufacturing.

This is carried out on computer controlled production lines.

High-alumina bricks are intended for linings of aggregates operating at elevated temperatures in various industrial branches.

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TRIAL Refractoriness Chem. composition Bulk density Apparent porosity Cold crushing strength Refractoriness under load
Signature (SK) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) (g*cm³) (%) (MPa) (0C)
AT90K 192/40 90 0,50 2,90 20,0 60,0 1660
AT80BC 177/35 80 2,00 2,80 18,0 80,0 1480
AT80B 177/35 80 2,00 2,80 18,0 80,0 1480
AT65A 182/37 65 1,00 2,50 18,0 60,0 1580
AT60A 179/36 60 1,30 2,45 16,0 50,0 1550
AT55A 177/35 55 1,60 2,40 16,0 60,0 1500
AT50V 175/34 50 1,60 2,20 20,0 40,0 1420
AT45V 175/34 45 2,00 2,15 20,0 25,0 1400

Identification marking of refractory bricks:

a b c d
AT 80 B C
  1. AT – high-alumina dense brick 
  2. 80 – Al2O3 content in % 
  3. A – andalusite-based
    B – bauxite-based
    K – corundum-based
    V – high-alumina aggregate-based
  4. C – with addition of Cr2O3

Dimensional tolerances:

Sorte Dimension < 150 mm Dimension > 150 mm
AT + 2,0 mm + 1,5 %

Other quality features to be agreed between the customer and the supplier.

Rectangular shapes:

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Labeling Refrasil  International labeling Dimensions (l×b×h) in mm
C25 NF2 250x123x65
C25/76 NF2-76 250x123x76
2C25 2D 250x250x65
P20 NF2-20 250x123x20
P30 NF2-30 250x123x30
P40 NF2-40 250x123x40
P50 NF2-50 250x123x50
P100 (PP1) NF2-100 250x123x100
V 2B 250x187x65
C23 NF1 230x114x65
C23/19 NF1-19 230x114x19
C23/25 NF1-25 230x114x25
C23/38 NF1-38 230x114x38
C23/52 NF1-52 230x114x52
C23/60 NF1-60 230x114x60
C30 NF3 300x148x65
C30/100 NF3-100 300x148x100

Side arches:

Labeling Refrasil International labeling Dimensions (h×c×a/b) in mm
K6 2H6 123x250x68/62
K10 2H10 123x250x70/60
K16 216 123x250x73/57
K26 2H26 123x250x78/52

Wedges arches:

Labeling Refrasil International labeling Dimensions (h×c×a/b) in mm
D4 2G4 250x123x67/63
D6 2G6 250x123x68/62
D10 2G10 250x123x70/60
D16 2G16 250x123x73/57
D26 2G26 250x123x78/52
2D4 2GG4 250x250x67/63
2D6 2GG6 250x250x68/62
2D10 2GG10 250x250x70/60
2D16 2GG16 250x250x73/57
2D26 2GG26 250x250x78/52



Other shapes to be agreed between the customer and the supplier.

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